HGUC 1/144 AMS-129 Gila Zulu (Guards Specification) (Mobile Suit Gundam UC)

Condition:Brand New Specifics:From HGUC (High Grade Universal Century), the Guards specification of Gira Zulu that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam UC has appeared! Reproduce the abundant equipment peculiar to Gira Zulu, add a shield and make it more heavily armed. [Accessories] Sturm Faust, Beam Machine Gun, Hand Grenade...Read more
Condition:Brand New
Specifics:From HGUC (High Grade Universal Century), the Guards specification of Gira Zulu that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam UC has appeared! Reproduce the abundant equipment peculiar to Gira Zulu, add a shield and make it more heavily armed. [Accessories] Sturm Faust, Beam Machine Gun, Hand Grenade, Beam Hawk, Shield, Grip for Rifle (Right), Grip for Saber (Left and Right), Flat Hand (Left), Foil Seal, Assembly Instructions